Bekah, John, Rich and I decided to go camping again this weekend spur of the moment. We wanted to go to Suttle Lake b/c we were told they were first come first serve campsites. Well, lo-and-behold....they're not. Not willing to accept defeat, we drove around...and around.
Driving through one of the campsites looking for an empty spot, we were barricaded by a group not willing to move out of the road. As they s-l-o-o-o-w-l-l-y moved out of the way, and we passed, they yelled at us to never come back. ???Huh??? We didn't get it either.
Four hours later, we found the last campsite from here to Eugene. No joke! We ended up at one of the campgrounds in Camp Sherman, right along the Metolius River. Good thing no camping in Central Oregon is bad camping!!
John is a veteran and has a card that gets 50% off of federal campsites, which is where we were. They didn't honor it, stupid, so we decided to just stay one night.
We had bought a new tent that afternoon as our growing family no longer fits our old tent. The verdict? It took 2 hours to put together and was slow motion lame once erect. We'll be returning that one!
Tayden was super grumpy that night b/c he was stuck in his car seat all day long running errands and then again while looking for a place to camp. After we ate a delicious dinner (of ribs, potatoes, and baked beans) at 10pm, we relaxed with some very gourmet s'mores and off to bed with the sound of the rushing river flooding our dreams. It was pretty cold that night so Tayden ended up sleeping with us to keep him warm. He of course slept fantastic and we both tossed and turned all night! If that wasn't enough, Max was up at 5am pacing and whining, b/c he heard his furry cousins next door.
Well, a bad Friday night turned into an awesome Saturday as the pictures below indicate. We will definitely camp there again...with reservations.
You are a brave woman to camp (several times now) with an infant! I was never that brave... I just figured out that I can post comments on blogs...I know I am slow...I have been enjoying your blog for months!!! You even inspired me to start one for our fam. Check it out Can't believe how big Tayden is getting! Such a cutie too. Miss you an love you guys!