I'm hoping this year, more than ever, that April showers will bring some May flowers. Until then, what could be better than to snuggle up with the rain and embrace the gray skies? I hope the kiddos sure feel the same when they see their new raindrop friends.

Want to make some too? I can picture a whole group of these hanging from a ceiling in a kids' room. And they couldn't be more basic to make. Cut out a raindrop shape onto a piece of paper and trace onto fabric of choice. Cut, embroider a sweet face on, sew together with right sides facing each other, leaving an opening at the bottom to stuff later. Turn right side out, stuff with poly-fill, hand stitch bottom opening closed. Repeat as desired. Hand them out on the streets. I say we give rain a makeover.

Doesn't Dae look like a grumpy ol' raindrop in this picture?

Cute! I can't believe how much Dae looks like her cousin Evan in this picture. Wow!