Man what a month we've had. It has been one sickness after another and are just done. I think it's the lack of vitamin d, ie: THE SUN! So this poor little girl has been sick, sick, sick. First a cold. Then croup. Then a fever over 103 for a couple days. Very hard to see your little suffer and not be able to tell you what's wrong to help.
But we've made it through and I am willing the warmth with all my might. We all have a bit of cabin fever. We caught a glimpse for all of two days what this summer has in store for us and it was simply delightful. I just hope she's walking by then so she can get out and explore! Right now she's pretty confined outdoors. She likes to stand up using everything as a prop and I think can do more than that, but isn't very motivated at this point. She's perfectly happy doing her "crawk" (half crawl, half walk).

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