Friday, July 22, 2011

Favorites Friday, Bento

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I'm fascinated, and alright, a bit obsessed, with the bento craze. To make a simple sandwich a work of art. Or create playfulness with fruits and veggies. To take a few extra minutes a night and put special thought and love into your kiddos lunch. I just imagine the kids' faces when they open their lunch boxes or sit down at the table and see what story they get to eat today. Shoot, I want someone to come make me one of these! Do any of you bento? I have this little goal in my head to try and make a fun lunch once a week. That seems doable. I figure once you're in that frame of mind, seeing that leftover pasta as stringy hair, it'll be easier to do it more. But for now, I have accumulated plenty of inspiration to last me on my once a week goal.

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

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